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Protecting Your Assets From Nursing Home Costs & Medicaid In NYC, Westchester, & The NY Metro Area
If your spouse and you both need nursing home care, effective long-term care planning guards your money and assets. Elder Law attorneys at Lamson & Cutner can assist with protecting your assets from nursing home costs in NYC, Westchester, & The NY Metro Area.  In some cases, a husband and wife need nursing home care […]
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A Shocking Assumption About Long-Term Care Insurance
An article on the website recently discussed some of the considerations involved when deciding whether to buy long-term care insurance. The article stated that as a rule of thumb, “if your net worth is less than $500,000, then forgo LTC insurance, as you will likely qualify for Medicaid or some other sort of assistance.” […]
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Caregiver Burnout - Issues for a Senior Spouse/Partner
When a parent or spouse begins to require assistance with care, the natural place to look first is to family. Usually, the child or spouse wants to help, and the care required starts out by being limited and manageable. However, particularly in the case of a senior caregiver, it often grows to the point where […]
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When Children Assist Aging Parents
When parents get older and begin needing help, usually they turn to their children first – or the children take the initiative to start providing more assistance to their parents.  But there has probably never been an exactly even split of duties.  Usually one child does the lion’s share of the caregiving, and the others […]
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Getting Past “Medicaid is for Poor People – Not Me”
Many seniors who saved money for retirement, and who are living comfortable lifestyles, reject the idea of applying for Medicaid assistance to pay for long-term care. Medicaid carries a stigma, because they believe that it’s for “poor people” or that they would receive inferior care. Any fear that Medicaid provides inferior care is entirely misplaced. […]
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Choosing an Attorney Wisely May Help You Gain Access to the Best Quality Care
How can an Elder Law firm help you get better care? There are two chief reasons why the right firm is important. First, if you or a loved one needs nursing home care, or home care, an experienced Elder Law firm will be able to help you select an appropriate nursing home, or a high […]
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We Recommend a Health Care Proxy Rather Than a Living Will
A Health Care Proxy is a legal document that authorizes an agent of your choice to make medical and health care decisions for you, if you become unable to make them yourself. These can include end-of-life decisions. It is important to choose as your agent someone you trust, who understands you and your beliefs and […]
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New York May Be the Best Place to Receive Long-Term Care
If you need long-term care, and are worried that the cost will be financially disastrous, you should be aware that where you live will affect the services and financial assistance available to you. New York State is among the most generous states with regard to Medicaid and assistance with the cost of long-term care. Medicaid […]
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Caregiver Agreements Can Help Keep Your Money Working Toward Your Quality of Life
A Caregiver Agreement is a contract between an individual who needs support services and the party who is to provide these services. The caregiver might be a family member, or it could be a professional, such as a geriatric care manager or a home care agency. Caregiver Agreements can be very helpful in Elder Law […]
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Private Annuities Can Be Used to Minimize the Medicaid Penalty Period
When applying for Medicaid coverage for nursing home care in the State of New York, it is important to be aware that Medicaid has a five year “look back” period, which requires you to disclose all of your financial or property transactions during the five years preceding the date of your Medicaid application. If you […]
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